Schedule of Spring 2025 Courses

For over 100 years, the FPA has provided educational programs for citizens and public officials. We will meet 4 times in Spring 2025 in Catalina II. Each session begins with a 20 – 30-minute video and attendees should read the relevant chapter in the Great Decisions Briefing Book beforehand. Call Prudy Abelin at 575-613-3337 to reserve one of the 15 books she pre-ordered. Books cost $38 (which includes shipping) and should arrive in late january.
Katharine Hepburn - Part 1
ate: Monday, February 10, 2025
10:30 am – 12 Noon
Catalina II
Katharine Houghton Hepburn was an American actress whose career as a Hollywood leading lady spanned six decades. She was
known for her headstrong independence and spirited personality. She worked in a range of genres, from screwball comedy to literary drama, which earned her various accolades, including four Academy Awards for Best Actress—an impressive record for any performer.
Presenter Biography: John Abeln is a retired novelist who previously had a career in International Healthcare. He has lived in the Highlands for five years and helps with managing the Lifelong Learning program.
Artificial Intelligence – Part 1: The Art of Image Creation
Date: Monday, February 10th, 2025
1:30 pm – 3:00 pm
Catalina II
Course Description:
Join us on a captivating journey into the world of AI image generation, where creativity meets technology! In this session, we’ll have fun looking at several images, trying to determine if they are real photos or AI- generated. Then, witness the magic unfold in real-time with a live demo of the Midjourney tool, revealing the stunning possibilities of today’s AI capabilities.
Finally, we’ll dive into an enlightening discussion about the future of AI in art—exploring its implications for employment, authenticity, and our perception of truth. Don’t miss this chance to see how a picture really can be worth a thousand words!
Presenter Biography:
Bob Hudson is a long time Highlands resident who uses AI tools on a regular basis. He sells his AI-generated art in his online gallery. He also operates many AI-based shopping sites on the internet.
Dutch Treat, Greatest Master: Rembrandt, Vermeer or Van Gogh?
Date: Tuesday, February 11, 2025
10:30 am – 12 noon
Catalina II
Course Description:
In this session I present Vermeer, Rembrandt, and Van Gogh and make a case why each is a candidate for best Dutch painter.This is
an interactive session where I solicit audience opinions.
Presenter Biography:
Chuck Tampio began his career in education as a Peace Corps volunteer in Africa. He led several civic and environmental educational nonprofits in Washington, DC. He became the first anchor for C-SPAN and is president of the Leveler Foundation, a national charity. He retired to his ranch on Tucson’s east side and gives jeep and horseback tours in the Sonoran Desert he loves. He developed his love of art as a student at the University of Florence and as a visiting professor at the University of Parma in Italy.
Great Decisions - American Foreign Policy at a Crossroads
Date: Tuesday, February 11, 2025
1:30 pm – 3:00 pm
Catalina II
Course Description: This chapter will explore the contours of the U.S. foreign
policy debate as it plays out in a world of multiple and escalating crises and
domestic polarization.
Presenter Biography: Part of the Great Decisions* program from the Foreign
Policy Association. Facilitator: Ed Laake
Voyaging to Other Stars - Part 1
Date: Wednesday, February 12, 2025
10:30 – 12 Noon
I’ll introduce a few scenarios for traveling beyond our solar system, from 20 th century designs like Project Daedalus to 24 th Century warp engines and beyond. For each case study, we’ll all share thoughts and feelings about the human side of the equation – how would this technology affect the lives of the space travelers, and the societies they come from?
There are no prerequisites, but watching episodes of Ascension on Roku or Tubi, The Expanse on Amazon Prime, or any Star Trek show will help get you in
the mood!
Presenter Biography:
Alan Jones worked as a mathematician in the aerospace industry for entirely too many years. He’s now safely retired, enjoying the snowbird lifestyle and the clear, dark skies here in the Highlands, and trying to learn more about the environment of southern Arizona.
Space Travel – Then and Now (By One Who Has Been There and Done That)
Date: Wednesday, February 12, 2025
1:30 pm – 3:00 pm
Travel to outer space has been a dream of individuals and mankind for millennia. Growing up with the space age, Charlie Walker so dreamed and believed. His presentation will recall the history of space travel as imagined, then cover more current events in human spaceflight as he experienced them plus a look to the future.
Presenter Biography:
Charles D. Walker is an engineer, researcher, and industry executive. He was the first private industry astronaut and flew on board three Space Shuttle missions. His work included zero-gravity purification of biomedical materials and protein crystal growth in space. Later he helped design the International Space Station.
UA Science-Put A Ring On It: Dating Trees, Volcanoes, and the Sun
Date: Monday,February 17, 2025
10:30 am – 12:00 noon
Catalina II
Course Description:
When tree-ring scientists ‘put a ring on it’ they apply an exact calendar date to a band of tree growth. This band can be unpacked and used as a dated time-capsule through history where we can explore past events and make future predictions. Explore the inside of a tree with Dr. Pearson of the Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research and discover the surprising twists that emerged from the development of tree-ring science at the University of Arizona.
Presenter Biography: Dr. Charlotte pearson
Artificial Intelligence – Part 2: The Power of Text Creation
!Date: Monday, February 17, 2025
1:30 pm– 3:00 pm
Catalina II
What if a computer could craft poems, essays, and even stories just like a human? In this thought-provoking session, we’ll unravel the implications of AI in text creation. From writers to computer programmers, how will these advancements reshape the work of creative professionals? Together, we’ll explore the benefits of AI in our daily lives and discuss the potential risks of
its rapid evolution. Is it time to worry about machines taking over? Join us for a live demonstration of ChatGPT, where we’ll interact with this powerful tool to uncover the incredible capabilities at our fingertips. Let’s delve into the future of communication and creativity
Presenter Biographer
Bob Hudson is a long time Highlands resident who uses AI tools on a regular basis. He sells his AI-generated art in his online gallery. He also operates many AI-based shopping sites on the internet.
TOUR - UofA Laboratory of Tree Ring Research
DATE: Tuesday, February 18, 2025
Course Description:
The Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research (LTRR) is a hub of inter-disciplinary research, teaching, and outreach excellence at the University of Arizona (UArizona). The LTRR is a preeminent center of dendrochronology – using the information stored in the annual rings of trees to understand and quantify interactions among our Earth’s climate, ecosystems, and societies.
Participants will meet at the Lab. There is no cost for this tour. After the tour, those who wish will gather for lunch at a nearby restaurant.
Presenter Biography:
Docent Led Tour
Voyaging to Other Stars - Part 2
Date: Wednesday, February 19, 2025
10:30 Am – 12 Noon
see above – Feb 12
Great Decisions - U.S. Changing Leadership of the World Economy
Date: Monday, February 19, 2025
1:30 – 3:00 PM
Catalina II
Under President Biden, the U.S. has advanced new ideas about trade, technology, industrial policy, competition with China, and the organization of the world economy. For most of the postwar era, the U.S. has tied its global leadership to cooperative agendas aimed at creating a more open-world trading system, but that has apparently come to an end. What are
America’s options and opportunities as a leader of the world economy? How will America’s “foreign policy for the middle class” and strategic competition with China impact its leadership role? How can the postwar rules and institutions of
the world economy be made safe for economic nationalism and great power competition?
Presenter Biography:
Part of the Great Decisions* program from the Foreign Policy Association. Facilitator: Ed Laake
Katharine Hepburn - Part 2
Date: Monday, February 24, 2025
10:30 PM- 12 Noon
see above – Feb 1
History Bytes - Washington Invents the Presidency!
Date: Monday, February 24, 2025
1:30 Pm – 3 PM
Course Description:
General Washington made many unique contributions during the War and now he follows that up by inventing the Presidency! They are all firsts: the first Cabinet, Supreme Court, Capital, national debt, tax, the first speech writers, and secret advisors. He demands to be called Mr. President instead of His Excellency, and he is the only sitting president to lead troops into
battle. Finally, we will deep dive into his controversial Farewell Address that is still read in the Senate on his birthday. Washington does not just haunt the halls of our government. He is still very much a presence.
Presenter Biography:
John Lenzi worked for universities for 30 years after brief stints on Park Avenue and Wall Street. His academic credentials are in
psychology, but he was a history buff from childhood on and still reads a great deal, mostly ancient and US history.
The Evolution of Ragtime, 1890 to the Present - Part 1
DATE: Tuesday, February 25, 2025
10:30 am – 11:30 am
Catalina II
Course Description:
This two-part class on the history of ragtime starts in Missouri in the 1890s and presents a personal take on this distinctly American instrumental music. The first class will look at the origins of ragtime and its trajectory from its ubiquity in popular music to its dissolution into jazz, and the second class will cover the ragtime revival that started in the 1950s and
continues into the present. Names and musical examples dropped will include Scott Joplin, John S. Stark, Zez Confrey, James P. Johnson, Max Morath, Gunther Schuller, and William Bolcom (among others).
Presenter Biography:
Caleb Deupree started taking piano lessons at age 6 and got bitten by the ragtime bug by age 12. He still plays piano every day and
includes some Scott Joplin in every daily practice. However, musical examples in this class will be performed by licensed professionals on commercial recordings (mostly).
Great Decisions - U.S.-China Relations
Date: Tuesday, February 25, 2025
1:30 pm – 3:00 PM
Catalina ii
Washington’s relations with Beijing have reached an ominous low ebb. Both American political parties have identified China as the country’s preeminent geopolitical challenger and, in the eyes of many, a systemic threat. What is driving this deterioration of Sino-American relations, and what are America’s strategic options in the face of Chinese power and ambition?
Presenter Biography:
Part of the Great Decisions* program from the Foreign Policy Association. Facilitator: Ed Laake
Conservation And Saving Wild Wetlands
Date: Wednesday, February 26, 2025
10:30 aM – 12 Noon
Catalina II
Course Description:
Presenter Biography:
Star party!! Get Ready To Party!
Date: Wednesday, February 26, 2025
10:30 aM – 12 Noon
Catalina II
Course Description:
The afternoon portion of this class will be an overview of the optical aids (telescopes, binoculars, cameras, etc.) that we will be using for the viewing that evening. This will be a ‘hands on’ demonstration so we will be ready for the Main Event.
During the evening, we will be observing the night sky using the telescopes and other aids set up outside the Clubhouse by members of the Highlands Astronomy Club.
Star Party - Viewing The Night Sky
Date: Wednesday, February 26, 2025
7:30 pm – 9:30 PM
Catalina II
During the evening, we will be observing the night sky using the telescopes and other aids set up outside the Clubhouse by members of the Highlands Astronomy Club.
History of the highlands
DATE: Monday, March 3, 2025
10:30 AM – 12:00 Noon
Catalina II
Course Description:
Presenter Biography:
Laura & Steve Gladwin
Members of The Highlands
Namingha, Namingha, Namingha: Three Artists You Might Not Know but Should!
DATE: Monday, March 3, 2025
1:30 Pm- 3:00 pm
Catalina II
Course Description:
We will learn about the art of the Namingha family. Dan Namingha and sons Arlo and Michael are three highly respected Santa Fe contemporary artists whose work reflects their Hopi heritage and the world of today.
Presenter Biography:
The Evolution of Ragtime, 1890 to the Present - Part 2
Date: Tuesday, March 4, 2025
10:30 am – 12:00 Noon
Course Description:
This two-part class on the history of ragtime starts in Missouri in the 1890s and presents a personal take on this distinctly American instrumental music. The first class will look at the origins of ragtime and its trajectory from its ubiquity in popular music to its dissolution into jazz, and the second class will cover the ragtime revival that started in the 1950s and continues into the present. Names and musical examples dropped will include Scott Joplin, John S. Stark, Zez Confrey, James P. Johnson, Max Morath, Gunther Schuller, and William Bolcom (among others).
Presenter Biography:
Caleb Deupree started taking piano lessons at age 6 and got bitten by the ragtime bug by age 12. He still plays piano every day and
includes some Scott Joplin in every daily practice. However, musical examples in this class will be performed by licensed professionals on commercial recordings (mostly).
Great Decisions-India: Between China, the West, & the Global South
DATE: Tuesday, March 4, 2025
1:30 – 3:00 PM
Catalina II
India is an emerging major power in world affairs, occupying a pivotal position between China, the United States, and the Global South. Its population size, economy, and geopolitical location ensure that it will be an influential voice in debates and political struggles over global order. What are India’s choices and opportunities for regional and global leadership? How will it maneuver between China and the United States, and what is its role as a voice of the Global South? What opportunities exist for Washington to work with India?
Presenter Biography:
Part of the Great Decisions* program from the Foreign Policy Association. Facilitator: Ed Laake
Birding Walk in the Sweetwater Wetlands
DATE: Wednesday, March 5, 2025
8:30 AM – 11:00 AM
Nestled in the heart of Tucson, Sweetwater Wetlands Park embraces the balance between nature and urban living. Spanning a vast oasis, it combines the functionality of a Tucson Water recharge facility with a thriving sanctuary for wildlife and visitors alike. As a cherished steward of the wetlands, the Tucson Audubon Society has meticulously documented over 300 species of birds, transforming the park into a living classroom where visitors can immerse themselves in the study of plants, wildlife, and the significance of water as Tucson’s most precious resource. Please wear good walking shoes, hats, sunscreen and whatever else the weather suggests. We will adjourn to a nearby restaurant for our traditional end-of-the-semester luncheon after the walk. Please join us.
Presenter Biography:
Cynthia Pruett is a retired IBM executive, environmental advocate, and long time
birder. She sits on both local and National Audubon boards. She is a chemical
engineer by profession with an MBA.
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